Wednesday, 4 October 2023

πŸ’™ What's on my Workdesk Wednesday?

 πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the ⭐️ lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the
❀️ If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

I'm soooo sorry I didn't get around all the desks last week 😞 life has a habit of turning upside down at times! 

Here's my workdesk this morning ...
πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I think I need to have a tidy so I can actually work! No wonder I've been going around in circles πŸ€ͺ getting nowhere! 
I did manage a short video πŸŽ₯ last week 😘 painting on bisque. 

The pots I'm happppy to say ... survived the first firing 😊 I'm hoping to glaze then fire them today 🀞 I'll let you see them next Wednesday. 

I can share this 😊 something that had my Soul singing 🎢 a recent painting 🎨 I did in the wee'ish hours when all was quiet,sitting on the couch.
 πŸ˜Š  Up, up in the clouds ⛅️ a place where she is soooo happpppy ... I smiled and sang my way through bringing her to be.
Tooooo πŸ€ΈπŸ’™ Our Kane arrived safely in Japan on Friday morning just after midnight ✈️ with his girl Anais arriving later that evening from France ... such a mahoooosive relief for both sets of parents to know they're both safe  ... now the adventure officialy begins 😘 woohoooo!

That's it for me this week 😊thank you for all your beautiful comments last week πŸ’• once again I'm so sorry I didn't get around all your WOYWW desks. 
Lots of love ❀️ and hugs πŸ€— winging your way.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You can't do everything and sometimes the visiting has to wait and we understand. Your painting is just amazing and thank you so much for letting us share that time with you, the colours just work so well and she is beautiful. Hope you all have a great time together. Have a lovely week and a happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x1x

Mary Anne said...

Ah lovely! It has been forever since I did pottery stuff, and even longer since that was anything other that the Paint-a-Pot kids party places LOL! That is going to be stunning in the end and hope you will share when it's complete.The painting too - oh my days! Head in the clouds is where I so often am. Love the socks - so much patience to paint all the pattern in them. Like you. life gets crazy some days but this week I am right on time LOL! Doesn't always happen but I revel in it when it does. Off to knit with mates in a bit so sneaking visits in while I can!!

Happy desk-hop day!
Mary Anne (6)

Lynnecrafts said...

Life does get in the way at times, Tracy, no worries. Your painted box looks beautiful and takes me back to sitting on paintresses’ knees, watching them paint china in the Potteries when I was little.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 15 xxx

My name is Cindy said...

I would be the last person to care about a missed visit - that would be a case of pot and kettle!! If Weds falls into chaos I always intend to catch up but more often than not it's Tuesday before I know it!! Life is always so busy. I love the view from your desk, it looks like you are sitting in the garden. Glad to hear t he 'kids' arrived safe. Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy xx #14

Christine said...

We can only do what we can . . very little in my case!!
Love the view out of your window . . . such a cosy garden.
Pleased to hear the travellers made it safely . . .
Enjoy your week
Christine #17

Neet said...

There's something about your desk when you think it isn't tidy that makes me look and think "this is magical". So I love your magical desk. Loved the video too, thank you for sharing your quiet time, love the heart touch on her shoulder.
I can just imagine you creating and singing away quietly whilst yu do so, the girl on the clouds is lovely with her dress and matching socks.
Glad Kane let you know on Friday that he had arrived, and that his girlfriend had also got there safe and sound. Hadn't realised they weren't travelling together at that stage. Certainly an adventure, even the beginning with the long flight alone was a big adventure. Now is the time for them to begin making lovely memories.
Stay safe my lovely friend, tickles to Bella.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

Twiglet said...

Thanks for your lovely comments Tracy. You are welcome one of my wee mice. Red, green or check skirt? Email your details to me and I will pop one in the post. A little donation into my PayPal account will be passed to Annie for her Harry Johnson collection pot. Thanks lots x x Jo ps loving your artwork. Pottery too! Wow. x x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I really love the β€˜fabric’ of your girl’s dress, so pretty and such a lot of detail too, I’d quite like that for myself, pretty please!! Her socks were rather groovy too xx. I’m so pleased your son and his girlfriend have arrived safe and sound, I hope they have the most amazing time there!
HUgs LLJ 10 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Loved watching you paint. Your tiny hearts are so pretty and you make it look so easy to paint them - must have a go. Not sure I have such a tiny brush! Glad Kane and his girlfriend arrived safely. The girl in the clouds reminds me of me! Wearing a dress with socks , head in the clouds singing away🀣🀣. Sometimes it is hard to fir everything in, we do what we can. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'd be the last person to admonish anyone for missing a visit. Just not my style. I try to get to everyone, but there are times I am just unable to visit in time.

I love the look of your desk. It looks like you are actually sitting in a garden of beauty. You are SO lucky to have that amazing view as you craft.

I have never experienced any pottery, so this is fascinating.

Glad your son and his girlfriend made it safely to Japan. Their adventure and memories are just beginning.

Thanks for visiting while I slept. Happy WOYWW from # 4.

Sarah Brennan said...

Don't worry about visits Tracy - life gets in the way sometimes. Glad Kane and Anais have arrived safely in Japan. Loving your night time creativity! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

Helen said...

Glad to hear Kane arrived, I didn't realise they weren't travelling together either. Love the art - always do - this week. Thanks for already visiting. Helen #3

Lindart said...

I loved watching your little video! I confess I had to look up Bisque, and all I got at first was soup! But them came the English meaning "To bisque is to fire the clay for the first time. Bisqueware or biscuit ware is a term for pots that have been bisqued." I learn something new everyday! Your "Up in the Clouds" painting is very joyful! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #19

Julia Dunnit said...

My word, those two young people are going to have a culture shock adventure, Im a little envious! Not surprised you were all a bit anxious, flying solo and then looking for each other...makes me a bit shaken to think about! Can't wait to see your pots, am very envious that you have a kiln...would sure teach me some patience!

BJ said...

Glad the kiddos arrived safely in Japan, such a relief for you. Lovely video and your, early hours up in the clouds picture, is quite precious. Tooth seems OK but I was a bit bamboozled by the treatment somewhat. When it was all over and he'd saved the x-ray to the end I said I wanted to give him a hug! Think I was a bit delirious at that point. Oh my! He managed to fill/make a tooth for me on the root canal filling so I don't need to go back till my next check-up in March. The crown can wait for now thank goodness so only a quarter of the cost right now. Getting there Hugs BJ#16