Wednesday, 11 October 2023

πŸ’–What's on your Work Desk Wednesday?749

 πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the ⭐️ lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the 
❀️ If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

🀸 A different workdesk to share today 😊 photos taken yesterday.
Me, Alex and Bella 🐾 are having a wee break in our favourite cottage in Wales 🏑 we're here until Friday πŸ’•
We've spent our days since Friday night just relaxing and walking  πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸ• 
πŸ’• Bella's looooving it!
Yesterday I had an urge tooooo paint 🎨 I have a Craft Fair next month 😊 soooo this pinny will be worn with my Soul Whispers painted on by hand πŸ–ŒGlad I brought a few supplies 😘 just incase.
This is as far as I've got for now 🎨 with the girls hairs still to do,lots of detail still to be added but I'm happpppy 🀸 with how it's going 😘 It's been years since I attended a Craft Fair,exciteeed but nervous all at the same time πŸ™ƒI'll be taking my Soul Whisper ceramics.
These little ceramic Soul Whispers are ones I created for gifts last year πŸ˜‡ over the next few weeks I'm going toooo be busy recreating them on hearts and balls to take to the fair.
If I have enough time I'd like to do a few plates 🀞I loved creating them last year.

My pots came through the first firing 😊 but I didn't get them back in before we left early Friday morning ... sooo no photos yet ... exciteeed to see how they come out once we're back home 😘 then I can share with you. 

I might not get around the desks until we're back home but I'll be around once we are 😁 

Thank yooou so much for stopping by, wishing ⭐️you all a beautiful week ahead with much love ❀️ and hugs πŸ€—


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a perfect and amazing view. Nice to wake to that each day, I suspect. LOVE the little bird. You draw SO well. I also like those hearts and the plate. Such positive affirmations, too. Good luck with the craft fair when you get home. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Enjoy the rest of your time in beautiful Wales. Your ceramic Soul Whispers are gorgeous. Excited to see your completed apron. Ali x #11

Sue said...

πŸ₯° Such beautiful designs. 🫢🏼 I wish you all the very best for your trip to the Craft Fair ⭐️ Big love & hugs 😘

Crafting With Jack said...

Ooh I wonder how far away you are from me in North Wales? Have a great time. I don’t remember when I last went to a craft fair - pre Covid I think.
Your Soul Whispers are lovely and I am looking forward to seeing your new pots and your finished pinny. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Mary Anne said...

So pretty. I love a photo from the back - some of my faves of the kids ended up being like that. I can't wait to see your pot either! But enjoy your away-time and I'll just wait along with you til you get back...

Happy WOYWW Day!
Mary Anne (8)

Christine said...

Loving those Soul Whispers, what a clever idea!
Enjoy your last few days away
Christine #17

Neet said...

You enjoy the holiday with your loved ones. Good to see Bella peering out at the water. I am so glad she has filled the hole in your heart a little.
Your pinny is going to be gorgeous, which reminds me I have something I should show that is similar, smaller but similar. I always fall in love with your soul whisperers and I adore that little bird you have drawn.
Wishing you luck with your craft fair although I don't think you need it, those ceramic pieces should sell instantly, so gorgeous.
Enjoy your time in Wales, the cottage sounds lovely
Hugs, Neet 9 xx

Helen said...

Have a great time, you deserve it. Love the soul whispers . Good luck with the craft fair. Happy woyww Helen #4

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Tracy, it's good to get away for a while, pleased you're enjoying your trip. I always take some crafting stuff with me when we go away, just in case but just as pleased when I don't use them Lol! Take care and have a good rest. Hope your woyww is a happy one. Hugs, Angela x13x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hope you’re having a wonderful time at Cardigan Bay, though the weather today is a bit dreich eh? Good day for staying in and relaxing and doing a bit of crafting! I think your girls are lovely!
Hugs LLJ 15 xx

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Sweet creations, and that view ::swoon:: - enJOY your time and space in that little piece of Welsh paradise!

Sarah Brennan said...

Enjoy your time away Tracy. Hope the craft fair goes well your Soul Whispers are gorgeous so should sell really well. Woof to Bella. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Anonymous said...

Ooh love looking at this blog to see your beautiful creations and doodles. Have a lovely holiday and good luck at the craft fair. I’m sure your beautiful girls will be snapped up fairly quickly. Was hoping they’d make an appearance in your Etsy shop.
Sue πŸ’•

Lynnecrafts said...

I love your soul whisper ceramics Tracy. Good luck with your craft fair.
Catching up today. Have a good week
Lynnecrafts 7 xx

Spyder said...

Sorry I'm sooo late Tracy! All Your work looks spectacliar! Love it, The fair will love them all too! Hope you had a great time. Happy VERY late woyww?!((Lyn))#21

Betsafe said...

Your writing style is captivating. Thank you for making the topic so engaging!