❤ About Me

The making of 
Just a Girl and Her Imagination
I`m a self-taught artist, dreamer of dreams and believer of magic, who loves nothing more than bringing to life the whispers that drop out the end of my pencil or paintbrush, telling a story along the way. 
Just a girl and her Imagination was born after the loss of my much loved dad in June 2018.
At that time I never thought I would pick up a pencil or a paintbrush again, BUT my dad who believed in me was having none of that and started sending me messages that came through loud and clear.
 Out came the paper and pencils early one morning whilst I was at my mum's where little characters started dropping out my pencil one after another and in 2019 my first stamp collection was born ...
My wee Bottoms family of Stargazer mice ... followed by The Clan McTavish, The Clan McGregor with my first girls that I drew after Dad went next door called
  "The Angels of Love and Light" followed swiftly by The Clan McQueen dedicated to and inspired by my much loved Dad who BELIEVED in me and what I should be doing. As the years have passed the Angels and The Clans are still steadily growing ❤ with much love and peace with bits of me and my family running straight through each one 💕 with words that come straight from my heart tooo ... connect, uplift, inspire and bring hope to others.
I hope you will keep me company on my journey ... I promise I have so much more to come, to give, to share, to uplift and inspire.

Wishing ⭐ you much ❤ love 💛light  and warm 🤗 hugs from Scotland

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