Wednesday, 17 November 2021

πŸ’• Exciting NEWS with a wee 😘 biggish catch up . . .

 πŸ’› Helloooooo, how are YOU all doing? 
I can`t believe it`s Wednesday already . . . how quick the days seem to whizz on by in the blink of an eye! 

πŸ’• Sharing some news, thank YOOOU'S and some gorgeous art toooday πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ
πŸ’• First up some exciting NEWS . . . The Craft Store got in touch this week wondering if they could revisit some of the Wee πŸ˜‡πŸ­ Ones on Saturday with the lovely Leonie looking after them. I'm sure you can imagine the JUMPIN . . . DANCIN . . . BURLIN . . . TWIRLIN . . . that ensued at the mention of a holiday for the Wee πŸ­πŸ˜‡ Ones alongside Leonie . . . The Clans 🐭 Guardian Angel "Murdoch" beside himself at his FIRST trip away . . . bags packed, treats for the JOURNEY and off they went early this morning singing πŸŽΆπŸ­πŸŽΆπŸ˜‡"Seeeee you soon Mum."πŸ˜‡πŸŽΆπŸ­πŸŽ΅
πŸ’• Sooooo if you're looking for some inspiration with a few Wee πŸ­πŸ˜‡ Ones revisited and Murdoch for the first time . . . then be sure to tune in at 10am and 3pm on Saturday over at The Craft Store TV.
Next up 😍 thank YOOOOU from the HEART for the WARM reception YOU all gave on the RELEASE of my New Collection . . .
" The Clan 🐭 McDougal "
Our Hearts πŸ’– are full and our SOULS are SINGING with words of GRATITUDE, LOVE and such JOY. πŸ’›Thank YOU for taking them to Your HEARTS . . . it means so much to me, my family and my much LOVED Dad!
(They will be on the TV in January next year with Leonie.)
Much more πŸ’—THANK YOOOOUS to come as I sit here typing, pinching myself . . . for the KINDNESS, SUPPORT and LOVE  from YOU all . . .  for the Happiness YOU showed for the RELEASE of my FIRST ever πŸ’› CALENDAR . . . we are down to the last few in the shop 😊
To the πŸ’– NOTEBOOKS . . . that flew out my shop and SOLD OUT in the first hour and a half  . . . Day Dreamer {above } is just one of the 4 designs that will be arriving back in my shop soon . . . So, so happy at the quality and how good they turned out! 

Onto the πŸ’›Friends of Tracy Easson Illustrations group over on Facebook . . . Oh my giddy aunt . . . the πŸ’•Beautiful Souls who make up such a HEART warming community . . . to the art they create from the HEART . . . to the love and care they share in all they do . . .  to the DT girls with inspiration with every project they create . . . if YOU stop on by . . .  I promise YOU . . .  one the most HEARTWARMING groups you will ever be a part of.

We have a Christmas theme going on this month being hosted by the lovely Ali Craft . . . using my
 Just a Girl and Her Imagination Stamp Collection. The JOY at seeing what everyone creates is pure delight! From the DT ladies we have had so far . . .
Ali treated Star Gazer " Morty 🐭 Bottoms " to a  verrrry Special Christmas Jumper πŸ₯° all ready for the party season he is. 
Debbie gave The Keeper O the Starz 🐭 " Flooooobert " a very SPECIAL place to watch the Wonder ⭐ and ⭐Magic of the coming season πŸ₯°
Emma surrounded The Clans Guardian 🐭 Angel "Murdoch" with his musical notes🎢🎡 can YOU hear him? πŸ₯°
Kim gave The Keeper o the Starz "Flooooobert"  🐭 a Magical hat and a Santa Sack . . . He 🐭hopes YOU'RE  all being extra .... goooood πŸ₯°
Sarah created a beeeeautiful card with The Clans 🐭 Guardian Angel "Murdoch" . . . It makes me think of Victorian times and how it must have felt to have a piece of art hand-delivered πŸ₯°

 πŸ’• From the gorgeous ladies in the group, we have  . . . 
A gorrrrgeous Stocking with wee 🐭 Seamus and Raggedy by Dawn πŸ₯°
Such a beeeautiful card with The Clan McDougal "Love on a Hill Top " wee Mauvereen by Julie πŸ₯°
Just one of the gorrrrgeous cards created by Karen with The Clan McDougal " Smoochin n Swayin "  wi Great Granny and Great Granda πŸ₯°
Tooo a beeeautiful card with The Clan McDougal  "Mouse Mail wi 🐭Tavey" by Karen πŸ₯° Just look at his kilt!
Beeeautiful Star ⭐ Gazer "Matilda 🐭 Bottoms" surrounded with Magical stars by Tracy πŸ₯°
Toooo a beautifully layered and textured card with The Clan McDougal " Little πŸ˜‡ me and Raggedy`s alongside 🐭 Donall " by Christina πŸ₯°
Tooooo the beautifulest, sparkliest Angel card with "Just a πŸ˜‡ Girl" being the ⭐ in someone's day by Anne πŸ₯°

If you would like to see MORE and be INSPIRED you can find the group HERE.

⭐ YOU still have time to join in to be in with a chance of winning a SPECIAL wee something from me . . . go on, have a wee play, come and join us.

If You`re still here . . . thank πŸ₯° yooou so much . . . I hope you enjoyed the catch up and inspiration.

Sending lots of love, light and huge hugs your way always.
Tracy xxx Alex xxx 🐭 xxx πŸ˜‡ xxx 🐢 xxx

Looking for the calendars and my stamp collection . . . you will find them over in my Etsy Shop HERE


fame01 said...

How beautiful are all the projects �� ❀ a set to warm the heart and soul .. cannot wait fir the shows on Saturday be something to look forward to .. right off to mop my floors have two mins and off crafting as my mojo is on a roll fir z change lol.. love n hugs to all who need it ❀ sarah xxx

Anonymous said...

Ooo, an exciting extra show. Leonie brings breath to them all πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ˜

TDQ Karen said...

So excited that the wee ones will be visiting Leonie they will have a grand time xxxx

Anonymous said...

Wow great news must watch them on TV,such a delight to see your new collection,all the lovely things made for the new theme.
Loving calendars and notebooks so beautiful.

Rhonda Miller said...

Such exciting news. I’m sure they’ll have a lovely time.

Tracy said...

Hellooo Sarah, gorgeous they all are πŸ’• hoping you have had a beautiful day!

Tracy said...

Leonie is a treasure πŸ’•β€πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ’•β€πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ’•β€πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ₯° who takes my wee πŸ­πŸ˜‡ ones to heart xxxxx

Tracy said...

Exciteeeeed they were when they headed out this morning πŸ₯°πŸ­πŸ˜‡πŸ’•β€ for adventures with Leonie πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€β€β€β€

Tracy said...

Thank yoooou always β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€β­β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•

Tracy said...

Helloooo Rhonda,thank you so much. How are you doing and the family .. it's been too long. Sending love to you all xxxxxπŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€β€πŸ’•

Sharon said...

Gorgeous work and how exciting ti have you in Craft Store again πŸ˜€

Anne said...

What a beautiful collection of makes, I'll be looking forward to the show on Saturday x
Anne xx

Rachel said...

I’ve put the shows on record it’s always good to see your beautiful designs ❀️

Tracey T said...

Wow, what a blog post, lifes been a whirl for you and Alex and exciting for me as the proud owner of your new goodies. I'll be watching Saturday with you πŸ₯°