Wednesday, 27 September 2023

❀️What's on your Work Desk Wednesday?747

  πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the ⭐️ lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the
❀️ If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

I'm running very late this morning but determined not to miss WOYWW 😊Here's my desk this morning πŸ‘€ pretty tidyish for me  it is. 
I spent a few days creating a Gratitude Junk Journal πŸ“š taking videos to show my process. 
If you look down my the last few posts you'll see them 😘
πŸ’• All I have left to do is bind it together then add my stamps throughout 🀸
πŸ’•  adding my wee 🐭 ones between the pages. 
Loving πŸ’• how it's coming together with all the crinkles and textures throughout. 
Here's a wee video speeded up if you want to have a wee look at it before I add my stamps. 

πŸ’› We've been spending time with our youngest Kane ⭐️ before we dropped him off in Edinburgh yesterday to start his journey to Japan ... he's going to live his DREAM ⭐️ spending a year travelling around Japan with his girl ⭐️What an adventure they are going to have! 
I found this beautiful handbound illustrated book on my desk when we got back from the airport yesterday .. a gift from Kane ... my heart is full ❀️ along with a wee one Kane had made.
I only spotted him when I went to photograph my workdesk 10 minutes ago .. I may have shed a few happy tears! 

πŸ’• Before Kane left he showed me how to make one of his pots that I love. 
One I made with Kane's help, the other on my own. They're drying out before I pop them in for a first firing ... looking forward to adding the glaze when it's time πŸ–Œ

πŸ€— It's such a mix of emotions  ... we are exciteeed beyond words for Kane to be realising his DREAM, for the ADVENTURES he will have, the PLACES he's going to see 🀸 spending time with his girl ...  but oh, how we are all going to miss that laddie like crazy πŸ€—
⭐️ We are so PROUD of him ⭐️
Will be happy once he's arrived in Japan early Friday morning, then the butterflies in my tummy will settle. 

❀️ That's it for me this week 😊 maybe next week I'll have the pot's fired to show you 😘 along with my Gratitude Journal all bound and stamped 🀞

πŸ’• Thank yoooou so much for stopping by πŸ’•
Looking forward to popping round the desks later today.
Wishing you all good things in the days ahead. 
Much love ❀️  and hugs πŸ€—


Lunch Lady Jan said...

It’s tough when your kids head off into the wide blue yonder but you know they’ll have a ball. Is Kyle going to learn about ceramics while he’s over there as he obviously is amazing at it already (love the little vases). Big hugs to you, that gratitude journal is even more important now!
Hugs LLJ 7 xx

Neet said...

WOW! What a wonderful son you have. How thoughtful of him to make you a keepsake to find when you came back from the airport. It's brought tears to my eyes, so I can imagine you having a right old "bawl".
I can understand the mixed emotions, happy for him going on such an adventure but tears and anxiety for him being so far away. Just concentrate on the wonderful time he will have. So glad he has gone with his girl friend, that must make you feel a bit better.
Love your junk journal, what paper did you use, it looks so lovely how it curls up. Right - off to see the video, cheer up everything will be fine.
Special Hugs
Neet xx 8

Christine said...

How wonderful for your son . . . Japan, according to travelogues, such an interesting and peaceful country. Is he going to keep a blog while he's there so you can see what they are doing over there?
I wouldn't be able to settle to anything until I heard from him, so take care and the butterflies will go soon . . .

Have a good week
Christine #20

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Goodness, Tracy. You have put a LOT into that junk journal. I was so impressed by all the layers. It is going to be amazing when it's finished.

Sounds like Kane will be living his dream in Japan. He will be so happy, I'm sure. Also, the gifts he left you are really heartfelt indeed. I know you will miss him a LOT. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

Helen said...

You will miss him but think of the fun he'll have. What a lovely gift to leave you. Love the journal . Happy woyww #5 Helen

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What an inspiring post Tracy! Your desk and creations are ALWAYS amazing! Good luck to Kane - I know exactly how you feel. We just want them to be safe and happy, don't we? Best wishes xx zsuzsa #22

Crafting With Jack said...

Wow! Japan! An adventure that will give him wonderful ,memories. And how wonderful that he is crafty artistic too. Did you have fun creating together as he was growing up? Thankfully you have the Internet to keep in touch over the long break. The square pots are lovely. Happy WOYWW. Angela #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Tracy, I started off okay this morning then got distracted by the garden! Sounds like Kane is arty too. I'm sure they will have a great time and send you lots of photos too. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

My name is Cindy said...

Hi there Tracy, as always so much to look at and digest. I have just spent some time wqatching your video - utterly mesmerising!! I aspire to that level of freedom in my art but I'm not sure hoow comfortable I would be - it looks stunning when you do it but I worry my need for control and straight lines would make me uncomfortable. What wonderful gifts your sone has left you - and the pots are gorgeous!! They will so enjoy Japan, my son and his wife travelled there a few years ago and they had an amzing time. The only thing really on my bucket list, but not sure how to make it happen!! Have a wonderful week, Love n higs Cindy xx #21

Marit said...

I love your little junk journal and I love your son, although I don't know him but what you tell about him, and the little presents he left for you... he's just like my own son and lads like that are loved by everyone! Hope he arrives savely in Japan so you can sleep *grin* and he has a wonderful time in Japan. Oh, and I love those vases you made, wonderful!

Sue Hall said...

What an adventure travelling to JapanπŸ€— I would love to return, it’s such a beautiful country full of humble, lovely people eager to help tourists. Your son will love it too I’m sure.
Just wondering if you’ve made a 2024 calendar this year?
Love & hugs, SueπŸ₯°

Lynnecrafts said...

Such lovely gifts from your son. I hope he has a great time in Japan. I loved the place and would happily go back.
Your pot is beautiful. It’s funny, squinting at your desk photo today on my phone, it seemed full of your β€˜wee ones’. I must have been tuned in to your blog before I got there. 🀣
Take care; enjoy your week
Lynnecrafts 12 xxx

Sarah Brennan said...

WHat an adventure indeed for Kane Tracy. I hope he has an amazing time. Look forward to seeing the pots after firing next week. Lovely gifts on your return home from the airport too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh I was late posting WOYWW and now I am late commenting well ? it's 3 A M so I'll be having a nap with little pal Bailey .... Your video was awesome. The journal is Fantastic. And I understand your feelings, it's hard to let our kids be away, it's a total readjustment in our lives. BUT we share wanting them to experience new things and glad they can do the things they enjoy. Wishing him the best and You too ! Tears are OK....with a son 27 years in the Military I understand. I miss the 3 girls sooooooooooo much since covid We've not travelled too far away too many issues with international air flights. etc. At my age it's a bit more difficult to be so Up At 'EM Brave !!
But with prayer, Facetime, we cope...ENJOY the weekend ENJOY FALL, and Enjoy all the things YOU love.

BJ said...

Totally determined to get round everyone's desks this week. I ended up with the first part of a root canal procedure yesterday and a blood test today, I'm a bit zonked out as a result...Aw you had some time with your son too, it's definitely a happy/sad time when they fly the nest but the inner joy of having done your job for them to spread their wings and fly is immeasurable. Your little journal looks lovely and the presents left for you are super, especially the wee one. We've had notes left before that we didn't spot for months. Not found anything this time....yet. Looking forward to seeing the pots finished. Just sat is awe and wonder watching your journal video, love it all. Sigh. Hugs BJ#1

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

As a journal maker, I appreciate seeing your process - it's really lovely. And that wee one that Kane made is beyond charming!

Mary Anne said...

Oh how sweet is that pot, and the little fellow from YOUR not-so-little-little fellow! He will love Japan and all that time to explore with his gal. Fab. You make me laugh when you call your beautiful little masterpiece a "junk journal" - I think we have very different ideas of what JUNK it LOL!

Happy, so very late, WOYWW!
Mary Anne (7)