Wednesday, 23 February 2022

πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ’•What's on your workdesk 664

πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ’• Happppy what's on your work desk Wednesday 😊 another week has whizzed on by in the blink of an eye! I hope you're all safe and well in these stormy times πŸ™
Linking up to the lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at
I had such a welcome last week, thank you so much ladies ... I`m so sorry I missed leaving a few comments on WordPress platforms last week 😊 but determined to sort out a password so I can leave some love. 
I've been waiting on the rain passing 🌧since this morning πŸŒ„to try and get a few photos BUT the rain is here toooo stay ... apologies for the darkness in advance 😊
😊 Tidy for me πŸ˜…πŸ˜I promise yooou it's rare ... the reason being ...
I've started work on my next collection of stamps for the rest of the year ... see that stack of paper πŸ‘€that's my drawings for them ... lots of joy and peace in the creating PLUS stacks of paper as they`re all drawn by hand  ... my recycle bin 😘 happily gobbles up the ones that I make mistakes with ... it's a .... lot πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜€ Other than when I'm staging photos ... this is the only other time you'll see it tidy πŸ˜‰
⭐ This is my Dad, always beside me .. never far .. keeping him close πŸ’• still miss him every single day.
❀ Tooooo little things I cherish ... a stone that reminds me to be BRAVE "you can do it" ... to my collection of stone ❀'s from walks on the beach with Alex ... each one a treasure ⭐ to the tools I use in my work and can't doooo without ... mechanical pencils!
πŸ₯° Toooooo the happiest of mail ... first up the tissue-wrapped bundle is filled toooo bursting with the most gorgeous fabric bundle ... I hugged them and swooooned ... such treasure ... toooo be made into journals soooon 😘
⭐Tooooo the box (now opened, but can't share yet till all the books are back) I put out an SOS call for Just a Girl last year over on my Facebook page πŸ₯° to take part in a journal using my stamps ... making friendships ... connections straight from the heart ... over 50 ladies said yes and what a beautiful journey it has been ... the love within the group is so very special and one I will treasure always ❀
πŸ₯° My heart is full after videoing the opening a wee while ago and my eyes are teary with my soul singing with such joy inside πŸ’•
More on this to follow in the weeks ahead.
I thought yooou might like to see where I work 😊 it's set up at our living room window ... a place I find joy through my days working ... watching my wee feathered friends along with Mr and Mrs squirrel with the odd wee moose running along the ledge halfway up the shed 🐭😘 honestly!! 
I used to work in the shed many years ago but felt cut off ... then when our oldest moved out I made his room my workspace but again felt cut off 😊 sooooo now I'm in the thick of it and loooving it! 
πŸ’› I have a big branch above my desk with one of my handpainted ceramic balls hanging from it ... soon to be filled with ... gratitude tags to remind me how beautiful this life is and all I have to be thankful for every day.
πŸ’•Thank yoooou so much for taking the time to stop by πŸ’•
Be safe, be well.
Sending love, light in the darkness, joy in your days and hugs always.
Tracy xxx


Annie said...

Thanks for calling by at mine earlier. What a happy blog you have. I have always picked up and kept little pebbles when I’m on a fact I think I have one in the pocket of every coat I have and many in my purse πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
Annie x #6

Crafting With Jack said...

I used to love collecting stones from beaches or rivers. My granddaughter does the same. I never found a heart shaped one though. Happy WOYWW Angela #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love pebbles but mostly to be painted though there are some special ones that are perfect just as they are. Somewhere I have a heart shaped one that I painted red must see if I can find it again. Your view through the window is great. I do like to work in my cabin when making anything really messy but still like making cards in the house and have kept my desk there. Thanks for the visit to mine and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x5x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I really enjoy looking at your various projects, a proper source of inspiration! Love the fact that you keep your dad’s pic close by, mine went six years ago and I still miss him, so I’m sending you a big hug xx why do you like a mechanical pencil so much? I’m intrigued……
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Helen said...

Great post this week, you have lots on! thanks for visiting. Helen #9

Sharon Madson said...

What a fun space you have. Thank you so much for the peek and tour of your desk. Happy WOYWW #24

Mary Anne said...

Loved looking around your workspace! It's always so much fun to see where people craft and what they are working on. And having your dad close by is lovely - he def. takes pride of place!

Mary Anne (4)

TDQ Karen said...

What a lovely workspace. I have moved from the loft to the front room and it’s much nicer to be in the thick of things as you say

Sharon said...

Love your workspace Tracy, excited for your new collection x

Sarah Brennan said...

Thanks for your visit Tracy - love the view from your window. It must be inspiring when designing stamps. Good to see all your precious items around you too. Have fun with the fabric. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Neet said...

Hya Tracy, I did not know you had joined us again this week because after my initial flurry of comments I disappeared under a pile of work (and my journal page for today) and have just emerged.
So funny but when I read your blog in my mind I do it with your lovely Scottish lilt and feel you are with me.
We have just had a hail storm, this weather is so strange, we were covered in snow a day or two ago, it is now sunny but with a slight wind. I am glad I am tucked up war inside.
Ooh, new collections? Working away with a photo of your dad for inspiration and comfort and those two wee mice.
Look forward to seeing your video of the opening of that parcel. But in the meantime I will content myself with the vision of the lovely work area you have with its overhanging branch of goodness.
Much love
Neet xx

StampinCarol said...

Thanks for popping by! What a fabulous desk view! (I look at a wall....) Love your post, so cheerful!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Carol N #20

Susan Renshaw said...

Loved reading your blog Tracy - so much to interest me!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #13

Tracy said...

Hellooo Annie πŸ’•β€πŸ’› thank yooou πŸ’•β€I'm smiling reading your words ... you sound just like me ... little treasures picked up in our pockets πŸ’›πŸ˜˜ have a gorgeous weekend. Huge hugs β€πŸ’›πŸ’•β€πŸ’›β€πŸ’•πŸ’›

Tracy said...

Hellooo Angela πŸ˜Šβ€πŸ’• little things that speak to us to lift them up are natures treasuresβ€πŸ’• a stone, sea glass and twigs 😘 hopefully you both spot one next time
Sending hugs xxxxxx

Tracy said...

Pretty painted pebble treasures you will have Angela πŸ€— hope you find your heart shaped one 😘 I know exactoybwhat you mean ... it's those messy times and being able to shut a door that I miss πŸ˜€πŸ˜… Thank yooooou, have a gorgeous weekend big hugs πŸ’•β€πŸ’›πŸ’•β€πŸ₯°

Tracy said...

Thank you so much πŸ’•β€ the missing never stops does it πŸ˜” I'm wrapping you up close as well for the love of your Dad πŸ€— I think I love them do much as they're really ... pointy and thin giving me a lovely crisp edge 😊😁✏
Hsve a gorgeous weekend. Tracy xxxxxxxxx

Tracy said...

Thank yoooubso much for stopping by Helen β€πŸ’•πŸ’› lots of drawing βœπŸ˜ŠπŸ€—β€πŸ’• over the next week for me. Have a beautiful weekend xxxxx

Tracy said...

Thank yooou so much for stopping by Sharon, sending hugs β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•πŸ€—β€πŸ’•

Tracy said...

Hellooo Mary Anne 😊 thank you so much ... I love seeing what others are up toooo as well πŸ˜πŸ’• my Dads never far keeping him close. Sending you huuuuge hugs πŸ’•πŸ’›β€πŸ₯°πŸ€—β€πŸ’•

Anonymous said... many wonderful things to see colours are out of this world,love the idea of seeing what's on your desk..can't wait to see all the new stamps etc coming our photo of your Dad,me beautiful man,we all miss and love him so much,but I know he watches over us all and so proud of us all to..missed coming to see you,no so great the now,but will be trying to come over one day next week. Love you Mum and Dad❀❀❀❀❀❀

Kyla said...

ooh some lovely projects on the go (and your new stamp collection too). Love the photo of your dad, mine died 9 years ago and I still have his handmade (he was a crafter too) necklace and his pipe on my craft desk! Love the pebbles, must admit I tend to paint them and abandon them on my walks for people to find!!
thanks for visiting my blog already
Kyla #11

craftyani said...

Someone here in spain collects pebbles, paints them and hides them.The children love to find them. She asks if it is an adult please rehide it.

Tracy said...

Thank yooou Karen πŸ’•β€ so happpy for you, makes all the difference πŸ₯° wishing yoooou much joy in your new space. β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•

Tracy said...

Sharon, thank you so much πŸ₯°β€ I love being able to see the birds, the squirrels and mice when they visit plus the sky. Ohhhh working on them every minute I am right now ... can't wait to share πŸ’•πŸ₯°β€πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ₯°β€

Tracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracy said...

Thank yooou Sarah πŸ˜ŠπŸ’• the wide open sky brings me so much peace and joy when I create. Can't wait to share what I'm going to do with the fabric ... all in my head just waiting to burst out πŸ˜˜β€πŸ’•πŸ’• Huge hugs xxxx

Tracy said...

Hellooo Neet πŸ˜˜β€πŸ’• hoping you got caught up with your work 😘 I'm smiling at you hearing my scottish lilt 😊 I have to watch when I type I don't start typing the way I talk with my wee ones 🐭😁
I'm hoping you continued to have sunshine in your days ... the weather ... never know what it's going to be from one minute to the next. Best place is toooo stay cosy inside πŸ€—
Dad always with me giving me help and signs ⭐ surrounded by wee ones ... I'm so happy with how the new ones are coming along 😊 filling my days with much peace.
Ohhhh the SOS journals,I'm waiting on one more πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’•β€ then can reveal.
Sending so much love and hugs your way xxxxxxxxxx

Tracy said...

Thank yooou so much Carol πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•β€πŸ€— love looking up at the sky, ever changing. Hope you're having a good week so far. Big hugs πŸ’•β€πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ’•β€

Tracy said...

So kind of you Susan 😊 thank you so much. Love and hugs πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€

Tracy said...

Rare toooo see it sooo tidy though Mum πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜˜ Dad always and firever by our sides β­β€πŸ’• shining a light to lift us up. Loooooove yoooooou both gazzilions β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β­β­β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•

Tracy said...

Kyla I'm sending yooooou so much love and hugs .. we never stop missing them ... love that you have your dads things on your desk too ⭐⭐⭐ and that you make peoples day ... leaving your painted stones to be found. β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•

Tracy said...

Ani I love that, the bairns will find such magic and joy in finding them β€πŸ’•πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°β€πŸ’•πŸŒˆβ€πŸ’•β€πŸ’•