Monday, 12 April 2021

The week ahead with Just a Girl ...

Helloooo, another brand new week is upon us just waiting to be filled with much magic and joy!
I`ve popped together a quick wee video for you today { it`s super quick 😘 } showing you how I love to tickle the wee 🐭ones with a paintbrush and colour before making them POP with a little acrylic paint.
 They make for sweet little πŸ’–love notes to send through the post or to snuggle up in your art journal.

What else is happening ...

 I`m busy just now 😊 finishing up a new collection ... I will be sharing with you real soon ... excited to introduce you to them and they are full of joy at the thought of saying helloooo!

πŸ’— Tuesday Rosanna will be sharing her project with Flooooobert

 πŸ’› Thursday will be Sarah with Jamie McQueen

πŸ’—Saturday will be Andrea with ... it`s a surprise ... smiling as I type that just now the wee 🐭 ones and the πŸ˜‡ Angels are all guessing who is it going toooo be 😍

πŸ’›Sunday spotlight will be shone on Maria Lawton

I hope you will join us.

Thank you once again for all the support here and across social media ... I say it a lot because it truly means the world and I mean that from the heart!

Much love, light and the warmest of hugs

Tracy xxx


fame01 said...

Hellooo Tracy
cannot wait for the new collection so excited ... you to have a great week be in touch at some point lol..Recovering from grand kids sleep over 4 of them from friday till sunday night lol it was manic to say the least. Speak soon love n hugs to you all including the wee ones n the angels of light .love n hugs sarah xxx

Tracey T said...

Another exciting week to look forward to. I love Sheamus, doesn't he look so smart. Sending love and hugs for a good week and I'm desperate to see your new collection, must of been similar time as last year because I bought the set with money Mum gave me for my birthday πŸ₯°

Rosanna said...

Non vedo l'ora di vedere la nuova collezione e ...di cosa tratterΓ ... Angeli? Topini ? Fiori ? ChissΓ , mi sto preparando per rendere loro una buona accoglienza non appena entreranno in casa, ci saranno torte e pasticcini a festeggiare l'evento :-). Per il resto cara Tracy, sei la nostra luce, la nostra guida, la positivitΓ  nei giorni bui e ti seguiamo volentieri come seguiamo volentieri questa pagina cosi ricca di spunti ed idee di cui mi onoro di farne parte. xxxxx

Tracy said...

πŸ’› Thank you Sarah 😘 hoping you're recovering from a busy fun filled weekend with the bairns. Catch you later and to you πŸ’›❤πŸ’›❤πŸ’›

Tracy said...

So happy you're excited Tracey for each week of projects too πŸ’› always a tustle here with them all wanting to look their best πŸ­πŸ˜‡πŸ‘šπŸ‘–πŸ‘•πŸ‘— ...I remember your mum giving you money and you giving them a forever home ❤ forever thankful for your support Tracey 😊 you too have a good week! Xxxxx

Tracy said...

Ahh Rosanna, le tue parole come sempre mi colpiscono ❤ entusiasti di conoscerti sono 😊 non passerΓ  molto tempo ... Gioia nel mio cuore per la calda accoglienza che so li sta aspettando con te per il resto lo sono con gli occhi pieni di lacrime ... grazie per essere qui in tutti questi anni 😊 sai quanto significhi per me amico mio. xxxxxxxx

Anne said...

Another week and more amazing projects to look forward to
Anne x

Tracy said...

Always a joy Anne 🌈☀️πŸ’›☀️πŸŒˆπŸ­πŸ˜ŠπŸ’›☀️🌈☀️πŸ’›