Saturday, 3 August 2013

Altered Frame with 7 Gypsies Harmony Papers . . .

Hi everyone and a warm welcome to my new followers . . .Thank yooooou!
Just stopping by with the sneakiest of peaks at my project that`s up on the
I had such a happeee time putting this together with gorrrgeous papers and oh my I almost set my shed on fire . . . want to know more?
Then just click HERE to see tons of pictures and find out more!!!!
Big hugs to you all


Words and Pictures said...

Now those are some enticing sneak peeks! Off for a look...
Alison x

Anonymous said...

This looks amazing Tracy! Off to take a looksee at the blog xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh !!! You almost set it on fire,..!!!!??
Eeek!! Hope you are ok!
I see some marriage bits & pieces!! Off to catch a peek...

Rita Barakat said...

Darling work Tracy!!!!