Wednesday, 11 October 2023

πŸ’–What's on your Work Desk Wednesday?749

 πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the ⭐️ lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the 
❀️ If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

🀸 A different workdesk to share today 😊 photos taken yesterday.
Me, Alex and Bella 🐾 are having a wee break in our favourite cottage in Wales 🏑 we're here until Friday πŸ’•
We've spent our days since Friday night just relaxing and walking  πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸ• 
πŸ’• Bella's looooving it!
Yesterday I had an urge tooooo paint 🎨 I have a Craft Fair next month 😊 soooo this pinny will be worn with my Soul Whispers painted on by hand πŸ–ŒGlad I brought a few supplies 😘 just incase.
This is as far as I've got for now 🎨 with the girls hairs still to do,lots of detail still to be added but I'm happpppy 🀸 with how it's going 😘 It's been years since I attended a Craft Fair,exciteeed but nervous all at the same time πŸ™ƒI'll be taking my Soul Whisper ceramics.
These little ceramic Soul Whispers are ones I created for gifts last year πŸ˜‡ over the next few weeks I'm going toooo be busy recreating them on hearts and balls to take to the fair.
If I have enough time I'd like to do a few plates 🀞I loved creating them last year.

My pots came through the first firing 😊 but I didn't get them back in before we left early Friday morning ... sooo no photos yet ... exciteeed to see how they come out once we're back home 😘 then I can share with you. 

I might not get around the desks until we're back home but I'll be around once we are 😁 

Thank yooou so much for stopping by, wishing ⭐️you all a beautiful week ahead with much love ❀️ and hugs πŸ€—

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

πŸ’™ What's on my Workdesk Wednesday?

 πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the ⭐️ lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the
❀️ If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

I'm soooo sorry I didn't get around all the desks last week 😞 life has a habit of turning upside down at times! 

Here's my workdesk this morning ...
πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I think I need to have a tidy so I can actually work! No wonder I've been going around in circles πŸ€ͺ getting nowhere! 
I did manage a short video πŸŽ₯ last week 😘 painting on bisque. 

The pots I'm happppy to say ... survived the first firing 😊 I'm hoping to glaze then fire them today 🀞 I'll let you see them next Wednesday. 

I can share this 😊 something that had my Soul singing 🎢 a recent painting 🎨 I did in the wee'ish hours when all was quiet,sitting on the couch.
 πŸ˜Š  Up, up in the clouds ⛅️ a place where she is soooo happpppy ... I smiled and sang my way through bringing her to be.
Tooooo πŸ€ΈπŸ’™ Our Kane arrived safely in Japan on Friday morning just after midnight ✈️ with his girl Anais arriving later that evening from France ... such a mahoooosive relief for both sets of parents to know they're both safe  ... now the adventure officialy begins 😘 woohoooo!

That's it for me this week 😊thank you for all your beautiful comments last week πŸ’• once again I'm so sorry I didn't get around all your WOYWW desks. 
Lots of love ❀️ and hugs πŸ€— winging your way.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

❀️What's on your Work Desk Wednesday?747

  πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the ⭐️ lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the
❀️ If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

I'm running very late this morning but determined not to miss WOYWW 😊Here's my desk this morning πŸ‘€ pretty tidyish for me  it is. 
I spent a few days creating a Gratitude Junk Journal πŸ“š taking videos to show my process. 
If you look down my the last few posts you'll see them 😘
πŸ’• All I have left to do is bind it together then add my stamps throughout 🀸
πŸ’•  adding my wee 🐭 ones between the pages. 
Loving πŸ’• how it's coming together with all the crinkles and textures throughout. 
Here's a wee video speeded up if you want to have a wee look at it before I add my stamps. 

πŸ’› We've been spending time with our youngest Kane ⭐️ before we dropped him off in Edinburgh yesterday to start his journey to Japan ... he's going to live his DREAM ⭐️ spending a year travelling around Japan with his girl ⭐️What an adventure they are going to have! 
I found this beautiful handbound illustrated book on my desk when we got back from the airport yesterday .. a gift from Kane ... my heart is full ❀️ along with a wee one Kane had made.
I only spotted him when I went to photograph my workdesk 10 minutes ago .. I may have shed a few happy tears! 

πŸ’• Before Kane left he showed me how to make one of his pots that I love. 
One I made with Kane's help, the other on my own. They're drying out before I pop them in for a first firing ... looking forward to adding the glaze when it's time πŸ–Œ

πŸ€— It's such a mix of emotions  ... we are exciteeed beyond words for Kane to be realising his DREAM, for the ADVENTURES he will have, the PLACES he's going to see 🀸 spending time with his girl ...  but oh, how we are all going to miss that laddie like crazy πŸ€—
⭐️ We are so PROUD of him ⭐️
Will be happy once he's arrived in Japan early Friday morning, then the butterflies in my tummy will settle. 

❀️ That's it for me this week 😊 maybe next week I'll have the pot's fired to show you 😘 along with my Gratitude Journal all bound and stamped 🀞

πŸ’• Thank yoooou so much for stopping by πŸ’•
Looking forward to popping round the desks later today.
Wishing you all good things in the days ahead. 
Much love ❀️  and hugs πŸ€—

Monday, 25 September 2023

πŸ’• Gratitude Journal - A gathering of paper treasure

 πŸŒˆ Stopping by to share what I gathered to create my  
Gratitude Journal 
with 🀸
A good root around Flooooobert's 🐭 suitcase always brightens my day ... lost wee treasures ⭐️ found πŸ™ƒ ready to begin 🀸 to be snuggled up and cherished! 

Happppy 🌈 days

πŸ’™ Inspiration for Gratitude Journal

 β€οΈ Sharing my love for handmade Journals, bursting with treasure between the pages ⭐️ cooffee stained papers, sploshes of paint, doodles and stamping ... happy heart πŸ’› happy soul ❀️ xxxx