Monday, 1 March 2021

The new adventures of Just a Girl and Her Imagination ...

Hellooo, I am so happy to be here today to begin the next part of my Just a Girl and Her Imagination`s journey and what an adventure it is going to be!
We knew it was time to spread our wings even further ... in addition to the beautiful souls who already create gorgeous samples for the TV ... a  Design Team call followed, people from far and wide applied and touched our πŸ’– each one worthy of a place on the team.
Not only is this blog going to be a place to share what the Design team are creating ... but also, a space to put a spotlight on the beautiful souls that applied but missed out this time ... so keep an eye out to those who have applied I have your emails and I will be getting in touch soon.
But for now, let me introduce you to the first three creatives that will be sharing what they have created for your inspiration this week ... I am soooo excited and the wee ones 🐭 are as high as a πŸͺ ... much gigglin, toes tappin and puffing up of little chests just waiting to say helloooo!
On Tuesday you will meet ~
Hello lovelies, I`m Ali and I live on the South Coast of the UK near Portsmouth with my gorgeous daughter Aimee, and our labrador, Archie. I`ve grown up crafting and tried just about everything. I loved most things but discovered I can`t knit to save my life! My real love lies with stamping, cardmaking, art journaling and mixed media. I`ve been lucky enough to have been asked onto several design teams over the years, but to join Tracy`s team is a dream come true! I`m looking forward to sharing my makes with you all and being a part Tracy`s amazing journey! Lets get crafty πŸ˜€
On Thursday you will meet ~
Hello, I live in Whitby, North Yorkshire with my hubby Paul, two grown kids Nick and Ellie and our two dogs Indie and Lola. I have always been creative, mainly sewing from an early age after I lost my Mum in 2001 via QVC, Dawn Bibby and Leonie. I love mixed media and I`m lucky enough to have my own creative studio in the garden, where I can lose myself in paint and music.
I`ve recently started jewellery making with copper and silver and loving this journey so much I have given over a little corner of my studio to this too. Excited to be part of this fab team, and looking forward to this amazing journey.
On Saturday you will meet ~
Hello, I`ve always had the need to keep my hands busy. As a child playing with wools, threads and paints. My Nan was a seamstress and my Mum did a lot of knitting so I guess making was in my blood. I made clothes for my children when they were small and as they grew up I moved into cardmaking and scrapbooking. I discovered mixed media around 9 years ago and I loved the freedom it gave me to bring what I love together.
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We hope you are inspired and uplifted with what is to come but until tomorrow ...
Sending much love, light and the warmest of Scottish hugs 


Karen Rowe said...

So looking forward to seeing your beautiful work

Rizwana said...

What a great team of creative souls. It’s lovely to read a bit about you all can’t wait to see your creations. Hugs Rizwana x

Nananne said...

Such an exciting time , lovely to meet the faces of the design team, can’t wait to see what delights you have in store for us! ��

Annie said...

Wonderful to read all about you, excited for what's to come. Congratulations xx

Danemi1 said...

How exciting1. Lucky ladies working with such a talented lady and her wonderful designs. I didnt see the dt call until it was too late.....cries into tissues but so excited to see what you all make. Enjoy ladies...ENJOY

Tracey T said...

Lovely to meet you beautiful ladies and I'm looking forward to seeing your inspiration ❤

Anonymous said...

Helloooo to all, looking forward to seeing your creations and picking up some tips and hints xxxx

Julie Anne said...

So excited to see all the inspirational creations from these lovely ladies xx

Mouszka said...

Can’t wait to be inspired by this talented team Tracy. Looking forward to seeing what you all get up to. The mice are jumping around excitedly on the shelves and mantelpiece!!!!πŸ­πŸ­πŸ˜‰xx

christina said...

Congratulations Debbie and Carolyn and Ali who I don't know but I know you will all be fantastic!!!!!! Xxx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

So wonderful to see you back in blogland Tracy how exciting and surrounded by amazing talented creatives. I'm looking forward to seeing what you and the lovely team create, stay well, safe & ever creative Tracey xx

Tracy said...

Helloooo Tracey so good to see you ❤πŸ’›πŸ§‘ so sorry it's been a while 😊but regular posts coming again. Sending you lots of love huuuge hugs always xxxxx

Tracy said...

So exciteeed to see all the beautiful makes πŸ§‘πŸ’›❤πŸ’›πŸ§‘

Tracy said...

Ohhhhh little feet tap tap tapping ... we are excited yooou are excited. Much love huge hugs xxxx

Tracy said...

Me toooo Julie... its like Christmas ❤❤❤

Tracy said...

Sending love and hugs ❤❤❤

Tracy said...

❤❤❤❤ me toooo Tracey xxx

Tracy said...

Oh nooooo don't cry πŸ™„πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ’› sending yooou kits of love and those huuuge hugs xxxxx

Tracy said...

Love and huge hugs Annie πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ§‘❤πŸ’›⭐

Tracy said...

I'm excited to see toooo🐭πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ§‘❤πŸ’›

Tracy said...

Lots of love and hugs Rizwana πŸ’›❤🧑😍🐭πŸ₯°

Tracy said...

Love and hugs Karen πŸ₯°πŸ­πŸ˜πŸ§‘❤πŸ’›

Danemi1 said...

Awww feel better already. Xxx

Karen Queen said...

Great to meet some of the team. Love Ali's Morty and looking forward to seeing everyone's creations! ❤️ Xoxo

Tracy said...

Love you sister of mine 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜

Julie said...

So excited to see all the fabulous work by your new DT here - congratulations to you all, a truly talented bunch of artists! Hugs, Juliexx