Saturday, 28 September 2019

Still a pinch me moment and an update ...

Still a pinch me moment 3mths on.
That`s me just after coming of air at Hochanda after a sell out show, HEART full, emotional thinking of my Dad, holding it together telling him we did it!
Wishing he was still here to have seen this although I know he was right by my side in the studio giving me the courage to get it done!
(I`d asked him in the morning to please be with me and to bring all the family that`s beside him, lol)
Alex came right to me after for such a hug ... no words enough...a special moment and knew those I loved had watched along too, cheering me onwards.
When we left the studio in our wee wonky Citreon 2CV we had the roof back, pootling along looking upwards and what did I see ... a mouse in the clouds with wings pointing downwards with his loveheart nose, grinning and wee Betsy snuggled in his side, no kidding and in that moment I knew Dad was letting me know he was with me|! Tears, snot, laughter commenced as I said look Alex, look...I will hold that moment close and treasure forever.

Sooooo what`s been happening since, hmmm?

Glorious workshops, meeting the most beautiful souls along the way, friendships made, commisions, work, the time has flown past so quickly and I am getting.......
to tell you I`m working on new designs and not only will I have more wee one`s to share with you all
(they just keep dropping out my pencil with so much love and joy, messages in the clouds from Dad)
you will see your first 
"Just a Girl and Her Imagination"
with the help of my dad ever present in my thoughts and heart, they dropped out my pencil last year one after the other.
They have been ever so patient, quietly helping me, soul whispers getting louder saying it`s time ... time to let them share love and light to uplift and inspire.
Wont ever forget the feeling sat at mums kitchen table bringing them out of my imagination onto paper, thinking and missing my Dad beyond words, sun streaming through the window...the strangest thing happened ... no mistakes, one piece of paper each, no rubbing out...each just dropped out one at a serene, pretty and with the gentlest of smiles.
I call them Love and Light.
When I hear YOU ask? Finishing up commisions in the next few weeks then they will have my full attention ... ooohhhh which ones tooooo pick ......
Will keep you all updated I promise!

If your still here THANK YOU for reading my ramblings.

I will leave you with another wee video showcasing the lovely ladies who very kindly created such gorgeous samples for the show.
Forever grateful! 
 Wishing you all a magical weekend.


Tracey T said...

Tracy, I had goosebumps reading that and a tear in my eye, cant wait to see your new designs, I know they'll be you ❤🐭πŸ₯°

snazzyoriginal said...

I know exactly that moment, for me it’s a little warm feeling and I know he is there with me, almost 30 years on but still there. Can’t wait to see your new designs Valx

Emma b said...

You're so lovely xxxx

Jen Tay said...

Oh Tracy, what a lovely tale to tell of you, your life and your love for your Mum and Dad and how they fed a childs' imagination so when times were dark, you had a beautiful world to help you. Thank you for sharing your innermost beautiful soul with us all, am hoping my wee ones will have finished their travels today and I can hear about their adventures - take care and big HUGS lovely Lady xxxooo

Helen Anderson said...

Cannot wait to see what delights you have created for us Tracy! Sending love xxx

Max said...

Am absolutely choked at your wonderful update ... the kindness and generosity you have always shown to others over the years ... including my good self! :D ... is coming back at ya' a gazillionfold which is no less than you deserve. My heart is soooooooooo happy for you but that doesn't even come close to how I feel luvverly lady. Am proud to have you as a friend of many years past and hopefully many years to come! Shine bright like the diamond that you are <3

Sending All Kinds of Luv'n'Stuff
Today ... Tomorrow and Always

Jane Austin said...

Hi Tracy, what a wonderful post & was so lovely to read, you not only inspire my crafty side, but you inspire my belief in my fairytale, dreamy side too & prove that no matter how old we might be in numbers, it’s always ok to keep our childhood spirit & thoughts.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to see the unveiling of your next collection......xx
Jane 🌴

Anne said...

What a fabulous post Tracy, I'm so pleased at your must deserved success and can't wait to have some new lovelies in my stash :)
Anne x

Tracy said...

Thank you so much Tracey ♡ clearing my feet then they will get my full attention. Sending huge hugs xxxxxx

Tracy said...

Hi Val,sending you huuuuge hugs.. moments to treasure that we are so lucky still to have.♡ xxxxx

Tracy said...

You are AmAzInG xxxxx

Tracy said...

Helloooo Jen,thank you for your beaitiful words♡hoping the wee ones have arrived at your forever home... happy heart ... sending huuuuge hugs your way...can't wait to hear your tales xxxxx

Tracy said...

Not long Helen excited to get at it. Sending huuuuuge hugs xxxxxxx

Tracy said...

Hellooooo ooooooooo Max, its been so long... remember when I started this wee blog lol... we need to make time for a catch up!! Sending love and huuuuuge hugs your way xxxxxxxxx

Tracy said...

Helloooo Jane, thank can do anything Jane live your tales and whispers from the heart.. sending huuuuge hugs your way. Oh hoping to get to them in the next few weeks... will be a riot if I leave them any longer lol ... xxxxxxx

Tracy said...

Helloooo ooooo Anne, thank you from the heart for all your support. Sending lots of love and huuuuge hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful words remember that day you were in kitchen and out they popped so beautiful just like your Dad,love you xxx

Tracy said...

Never forget home one after another and dad with us every second of every day even yous ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐