Sunday, 22 September 2019

Hellooo, sharing the love for The McTavish Clan stamps...

Hellooo, wishing you all a happy Sunday.
Hope your all having a magical weekend, enjoying and creating memories!

Just stopping by to share Part One of a video collection to showcase the beautiful artwork created by
 Debbie Martin
Carolyn Craven
Emma Blake
Helen Hopkins
Kim Pocock
Natalie Seddons
 with my own brand of stamps
for the launch on Hochanda TV back in July, the show was a success and they all sold out...still have to pinch myself it feels like a dream even now 2 months on.
Today it`s the turn of the McTavish Clan

 The wee ones are sitting, popcorn at the ready to oooh and ahhhh over being brought to life through someone elses eyes and imagination!

We hope you enjoy!
Thank you for stopping by.
Big hugs


Chris Douse said...

Lovely work. Hope to see new stamps soon x

Tracy said...

Hi Chris, finishing up commions first then yes new stamps coming xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful xxx

Tracy said...

Love you mum xxxxxxx