
Monday, 28 September 2015

DecoArt Hocus Pocus Challenge . . .

It`s almost witching hour . . . 
Tick Tock . . . Tick Tock . . . 
 Witches . . . Goblins . . . and Ghosts oh my!
We have a Halloween challenge going on right now over at the
DecoArt Mixed Media Blog 
 we can`t wait to see your Halloween projects!
Be sure and pop by the main blog for all the details
plus the design team have inspiration and full tutorials to share with you all month.
Just click HERE

 Halloween in our house has always been a hive of activity . . .
scary masks 
painted faces
Trick or Treating
 sweeties and toffee apples.
 The boys are all grown up now, but still you can feel the magic in the air . . .
dark star filled skies, full moons, crisp air, seasons changing!
With that in mind I wanted to create a 
Whimsical witchy
DecoArt Media Line Products
mdf board.
Here`s a quick You Tube Video showing you how it came about.

Thank you so much for looking
Happy crafting
Till next time
Big Hugs 
List of Paints and Mediums ~
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics:
Titanium White
Titan Buff
Raw Umber
Burnt Sienna
Quinacridone Red
Cobalt Turquoise Hue
Carbon Black
Prussian Blue Hue
Green Gold
Quinacridone Magenta
Naphtol Red Light
DecoArt Media Misters :
Yellow Green
Shimmer White
 DecoArt Media Matte Medium
DecoArt Media Liquid Glass
DecoArt Media Crackle Glaze
DecoArt Media Antiquing Cream - 
 Patina Green 


  1. Beautiful painting and you are never too old for Halloween.

  2. Just magical! I love your videos with the little notes you leave for us about what's going on - and the music on this one was just perfect. Wonderful seeing the skin tone layers building up, and then the night sky. Fabulous crackled old hat and beautiful white doodled words. I love her.
    Alison xx

  3. Wow!!! Tracy this is totally stunning! And watching the youtube I could see more detail that I didn't pick up initially. You have rocked this one!
    Dot x

  4. Now there's a super cute witch Tracy. Love the inky blues!

  5. oh so very wonderful!!! I adore this Tracy - its all in the eyes for me - lovely! Hugs rachel xx

  6. Thank you for all the sweet comments xoxoxox


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment . . . big hugs xoxo