
Wednesday 6 July 2022

What's on my workdesk? Wednesday 683

 πŸŒˆ πŸ’•πŸ€Έ‍♀️ Goooood Morning πŸ€— it's Wednesday which means it's time for another look at what's on my workdesk πŸ‘€ linking up to the lovely Julia who hosts WOYWW over at the
If you'd like to join in or find out more ... then please hop on over.

❤ Gee whizz how the time is whizzing past this year 😯 scary it is! 
🀦‍♀️ Hiding my face at the chaos on on my desk this morning ...yes it's there somewhere 😁buried under all that ... stuff πŸ™ƒ This is how I left it yesterday 🀦‍♀️in my defence πŸ™ƒ at least I won't be spending ages scratching my head wondering where I'd tidied everything away toooo πŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ˜œ
🧡πŸͺ‘ Yesterday saw me starting to sew my Little Soul Whispers book ... this was me playing with fabric layers and stamping for a swap πŸ’• over in my Facebook group πŸ’• so I can't show you how it looks all sewn up just yet 😊 I'll be working on it again today. 
😊 This wee one popped out the end of my pencil ... what you can't see is one of the wee 🐭 anes blowing on his bagpipes 🎡🎢  as she joined in hoochterin n tuchterin πŸ₯° what joy they bring to me as they whisper their  tales to me πŸ’• everything just drifts away around me as I lose myself in there world. 
πŸ‘† This is the other place you'll find me through the week working 😊 my packing station in the kitchen to make up orders πŸ’• Everything I need to snuggle up my orders with love ...  from tissue paper, string, postcards, badges tooo envelopes ✉ can all be found in my cabinet. Around the corner is a big cupboard  to keep all my wee πŸ­πŸ˜‡πŸΆ ones that are waiting for their forever homes πŸ€— they often ... hide oot in the girden tae gie me a fright πŸ˜πŸ˜„plus they love swimming in the bird bath πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ’•πŸ₯° oh how I love them all and the shenanigans they get up too! 
Can YOU spot the WEE 🐭ANEs hanging oot in the cabinet? 
πŸ™ƒ Hold on toooo your paintbrushes and needles ... don't fall over 😊 I signed up to do this πŸ‘† it started on Friday 1st July ... my Dad had diabetes and it runs through Dad's side of the family plus my Mum and sister ... so I'm doing it for them and for everyone that has diabetes in the hopes they can find a cure one day πŸ™ plus doing it for me and for my health which hopefully will lessen the risk of me developing it. 
😊🚢‍♀️ This was me on Day 1  ... it's definitely helping my mindset getting outside. 
πŸ’• Day 2 at Lochore ... I could lose myself in that sky. I'm doing this 😊 🚢‍♀️ remembering to go canny till my back levels out again. If you'd like to read my journal over the last few days you can find it at the bottom of my challenge page here with photos and my thoughts πŸ€— 
πŸ’•πŸ€— Leaving you with one of my girls 😊 with words I aim to do every single day of my life ... forever grateful for the gift of life I am ❤Making the seconds count.

I was later getting around the desks last week, I'm sorry about that 😊 but I think I got everyone πŸ€— here's hoping my comments didn't vanish into thin air 🀞

πŸ™ Thank yooou so much for stopping by, for reading and commenting πŸ’• it means a lot! 

Whatever you're up toooo this week πŸ’• I wish ⭐yooou all the good things that this life has to offer.
With lots of love, light and warm hugs.


  1. Good for you for doing the million steps, veryone’s a winner! Jut letting your brain be in neutral whilst ambling along is definitely a tonic. The new little figure made me smile, she’s a sweetie and can I confess here to a secret love of bagpipes? A few years ago I was lucky enough to play in the International Tattoo of Nova Scotia and I’ve never seen so many pipers in all my life, it was fab!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  2. Lovely post full of fun and inspiring things. I love your sweet little fabric book. Allll those layers! Yum yum. And I agree, the SKY. Beautiful. I am diabetic so your efforts will be well worth it. I do 2.5 miles a day (on the treadmill - not such a lovely scenic walk near here, I'm afraid) and it keeps my sugar down and my spirits up. :D Wish I had done it when I was younger, it might have kept Type 2 at bay. Your sketched gal is sweet as can be and the words on the face could not be more true. Always a joy to visit.
    Happy WOYWW on the day for a change :D !
    Mary Anne (2)

  3. Thank you for a mooch around your desk & surrounding area today.πŸ€— I love getting in close to look at your gorgeous art work.
    I try to do 10000 steps a day to spend time walking around the neighbourhood. It’s not as pretty as yours but, having planted a wildflower garden last year, I love to discover the beauty of the wildlife and fauna in the pavements and hedges along the way.
    πŸ‘ I’d love to sponsor you if you’re on just giving? Or I an donate straight to Diabetes Uk I guess.πŸ₯° With love and hugs, Sue.😘
    PS Looking forward to LLL on Wednesday, recorder is set❣️

  4. Oh Tracy, what a lovely desk you have. not untidy at all, just creative. Such pretty colours are the pages of your little book lying there.
    Ah, now I look at your little one I see that she is dancing with those little feet twinkling away to the tune of the bagpipes. All is falling into place now.
    Good luck with the walking challenge, I cannot think of a better thing for you to be doing. just be careful of that back problem - you don't want to end up like me,I can't think how many years I have been struggling now but it 'aint no fun!
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  5. Love that face with a marvellous quote. Yes. I can see the mice! Do you make those too? I love your new girl dancing away. Good luck with your million step challenge. How many is that a day? Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  6. I always love to see what you're up to. Desk chaos is good in my eyes. You have no reason to hide your face. Haa! Haa! I do that all the time, tidy stuff up and then can't find them but then I often can't find stuff anyway. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

  7. Good for you for taking on the challenge Tracy. My husband suffers from diabetes so thank you! I can personally attest for how beautiful your packages are and your station in the kitchen looks so well organised. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  8. Oh Tracy, you do make me smile. I am so completely with you when you talk about knowing where everything is if you don’t tidy up. Also, aren’t you afraid that your creativity might get packed away too if you clear up I’d project? See, I can give you loads of logical reasons..! Brilliant you for doing the walking challenge, by the time it’s over, it’ll be a habit! Just be very mindful of your back…walking on sand is one of the biggest challenges for my wonky balance, but I couldn’t spend the rest of my life not doing it! I love the fabrics you’re using for your swap, my word, it’ll be lovely.

  9. 1 million steps???? good luck!! the desk doesn't look that bad to me, perhaps I am just ultra messy. the fabric book looks gorgeous, I will look out for updates. Thanks for visiting, sorry I am so late getting round to the desks.
    Helen #1

  10. Hiya Tracey, sorry I’m late. Have managed to set myself up in the garden (in the shade of course) it’s really lovely. Stops me feeling guilty about screen time! I started walking every day about 18 months ago. Sometimes I don’t make it but I know it has helped my general well being so much I always regret it if I don’t make the effort. Your life looks crazy as usual but oh so decorative! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx @11


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment . . . big hugs xoxo