Saturday, 7 November 2015

Reflections, Trust, Faith, Hope . . .

It's been a tough few weeks , life has a habit of giving us an abundance of love but also pain
 . . . 
 It's messy with highs and lows, sad times and happy times.
The painting I'm working on right now is called
 " Reflections "
 In life we have a habit off  putting of things because tomorrow is another day.

  The thing is we don't know what tomorrow will bring,
keep your loved ones close, tell them you love them, hug them, call them ... let them know you care.
  Trust in the impossible and make it possible,
 nothing is perfect . . .
 have the faith to embrace those imperfections it's what make you YOU!
Most of all never give up on your hopes and dreams.
 Big hugs 


rachel said...

Beautiful work Tracy and fabulous words! big hugs Rachel xx

rachel said...

Beautiful work Tracy and fabulous words! big hugs Rachel xx

Tracy said...

Much love Rachel xxxxx

Eileen said...

beautiful work - but sad too... her eyes are just full of pain. Hope things ease off for you soon...
Eileen xxxxx

Tracy said...

Thank you Eileen...big hugs xxxxx

Unknown said...

What a beautiful face! Loved reading your post! X

Tracy said...

Thank you so much Ingrid xxxx

Mandi said...

Aww this is lovely Tracy xx

Lynnda's Blog said...

Had an interesting time recently myself, looking forward to escaping to see you you next weekend. x