Thursday, 12 March 2015

πŸ’• Giddy . . . Happy . . . Excited . . .

πŸ’• I'm all giddy with excitement tonight ...  I am so happy to let you all know that I am going to be teaching over at  
{ me}
thank you
for believing in me!
πŸ’• I'm still pinching myself here ... I think of myself as 
just a 
" doodle doodle dooer "
 πŸ’• who loves getting messy, inky, paint splattered hands.
πŸ’• Getting the ideas that roll around in my head onto paper, canvas and wood through my finger tips.
πŸ’• I am so excited and can`t wait till I can show you a picture of the project I have created 😊 to teach at my first
called ... 
 " Her Basket Of Dreams " 
it`s on a 14 x 10 inch canvas  
we are going to have so much fun doodling, painting, layering up papers and getting messy. Your girl will be filling her basket with her beliefs ... 

πŸ’• Faith, Hope, Promise, Love, Trust, Believe and Joy telling her story your way, from the heart! 
πŸ’• I hope you can join me on this new adventure, getting messy with a lot of laughs thrown in. 
πŸ’• Details and date to follow ...  but in the meantime here`s a link to the 
πŸ’• It would be lovely if you could like and check it out. 

Big hugs
 from a 
doodle doodle dooer 


massofhair said...

Wonderful news! Is there any information for us non FB peeps please? I do love your 'doodling' and would love to take a workshop with you. You sound so excited and so you should be, huge congratulations :-) xxx

Tracy said...

Thank you so happy you love my doodling β™‘ still pinching myself here lol. Would be lovely to meet .. I will pop the details on here once everything is confirmed I promise. Thanks again for your sweet words big hugs xxxx

Max said...

No less than you deserve sweetness. Am so chuffed for you! Enjoy the rewards for your achievements from your hard work and endless creativity.

rachel said...

amazing news Tracy - will have to check out the dates with Sue! Well done xx

Becca Cruger said...

Congrats! Doing a little happy dance for you!

Tracy said...

Bless you Max ... seems like forever since we chatted! Big hugs xxxxx

Tracy said...

Thank you Rachel. ..seriously still in shock, lol! Would be lovely if we could meet.big hugs xxx

Tracy said...

Thank you Becca. .. dancing with you ..big hugs xxx

Sue Abbott said...

EEEEEEEEK I am so doodling excited for you! Well deserved! It is going to be AMAZING!!!!!! X

Tracy said...
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Tracy said...

Lol ... Thank you Sue ... eeeeeeeek! β™‘β˜†β™‘β˜†β™‘