
Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Serenity Girl ~ Unruly Paperarts

" Serenity "
she started her life as most of my projects do . . .
 from a doodle doodle doooooo!
 Today she is featured over at
it`s all about adding faces to your artwork this month.
She went through a lot of changes along the way.
 Just when I thought she was finished . . .
. . . she would not stop pestering me for a set of wings, deeper lips and hair, lol  . . . I am not kidding no matter how mad that sounds!
But now she is all serene and finished with a beautiful quote ~

" God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference "

. . . all my girls have a story to tell that comes straight from the heart!

You can see more pics over at
want to know a little more about me?
You can find my interview Here.
Thank you so much for looking.
Big hugs


  1. She is gorgeous and her wings complete her. I totally get what your saying about being pestered to give her wings. My girls nag me for weeks to be born and then they are like buses and loads get created. I just bring the mediums together, put pencil to paper and then they create themselves so to speak lol x

  2. She's lovely, Tracy--and so aptly named, she definitely looks serene!


  3. hi there - love this to bits - she's beautiful and the wings are perfect - fabulous xx

  4. I love how you allow your art to speak to you. It makes it so real and interesting!

  5. Wow... I popped over to check you out and I have to say that your work is beyond amazing. I will definitely be hitting the follow button over here. I can see why you deepened her lips and gave her wings - this card is definitely ethereal.

  6. Gosh she is lovely - love everything about her Have a lovely weekend :)

  7. She is very beautiful Tracy. ♥️ :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment . . . big hugs xoxo