Saturday, 27 December 2014

✨️ Be Brave in a world that`s ever changing . . .

✨️ Another year is almost ready to start . . . what will it hold  . . . health and happiness I hope for us all!
πŸ’• I used to pick a word to move me forward through the new year ahead, but have let it slip . . .
until now!
✨️ My word for the year is
whether it be at home, work or creating ar ... t
to let my fears of what others think go ... 
to live my life the way I want to live it ... 
filled with the love of my family ... 
creating art my way
{ there is no right or wrong way in art}
to take brave steps to make my dreams become reality
{ ones which I hope to share with you over the next year }
but most of all just to be
Wishing you all the joy of the season and best wishes for the New Year!
Lets make it a good yin!!!
Big hugs


suzieq23 said...

Bravo! Couldn't have said it better myself!

ddazzled71 said...

Such a wonderful word for 2015 Tracy, and I can totally relate to the desire to want to do art your way and not worry about what others think. My word I chose a week or so ago for 2015 is Trust! Trusting in the journey and that everything will fall into place and how it is meant to be! xx